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Guamanian Chicken

Guamanian Chicken cooked on the grill is one of my best recipes passed down from a friend of mine who was from Guam. He always had a huge barbecue once a year with his best Guamanian recipes, and this is by far my favorite to make.

Guamanian Chicken

It's all in the marinade and cooking that makes the most perfectly cooked and tasting chicken you've ever sunk your teeth into. It literally melts in your mouth. When you have two women say this is the best chicken they've ever eaten, you know you're doing something right (especially when you are a guy).

This special recipe takes a unique touch. You don't want the grill too hot when cooking your chicken, otherwise it's tough and doesn't taste as good. Hot or cold, the end product makes you want to eat more and more until it's all gone. Even the kids love it.

By popular request, this Guamanian Chicken recipe is posted for all to enjoy.

Copyright notice:

You can share this recipe with your friends as long as it remains on this page. This recipe was provided by Jason W. Moser. You can print this recipe for your own use, but do not copy and place this recipe on your own website. Simply create a link to this page to imbed it on your website.


Guamanian Chicken

Two (2) Pounds of Sliced Chicken Thighs or Breasts
(four to five inches long, one to two inches wide)
Four (4) Tablespoons Olive Oil
Four (4) Tablespoons Sesame Oil
One (1) Tablespoon Minced Garlic
One (1) Teaspoon Ginger (powder or fresh)
One (1) Bunch Green Onions (chopped)
One (1) Cup Sugar (or 3/4 cup of Splenda)
One (1) Cup Soy Sauce
One (1) Cup Water

Guamanian Marinade Ingredients


Pour soy sauce, water, garlic, and ginger in small pan and turn stove top on medium low heat.


Once warm, pour sugar in pan while stirring, making sure all sugar is dissolved in mixture. Remove from heat once sugar is dissolved.

Pour mixture in a mixing bowl and add olive oil, sesame oil, and green onions to the marinade. Stir thoroughly.

NOTE: Oil will layer on top of liquids no matter how hard you stir.

Add chicken to the bowl. Take a large fork and poke holes in each piece of chicken to help flavors sink into the meat. Seal the bowl and refrigerate until ready to cook.

Prepared Guamanian Chicken
Prepared Guamanian Chicken

SIDE NOTE: I prefer using vacuum sealed containers to help marinade the chicken. If this is done, you only require about fifteen minutes to marinade the Guamanian Chicken. If not, marinade overnight for best results.

Now you are ready to grill the chicken. I use a gas grill with three burners. I haven't tried this Guamanian recipe on a charcoal grill and I wouldn't recommend it due to heat regulation needs.

Pre-burn the grill to burn off all germs and bacteria from the grill grate. Once clean, turn down all burners to low and leave the grill lid open for three to five minutes to cool.

Place the Guamanian Chicken in the grill, concentrating from the center and work your way out. Turn off the center burner. Leave the two end burners on low to medium low and basted the chicken with the left over Guamanian marinade. Close the grill.

Guamanian Chicken on the Grill
Guamanian Chicken on the Grill

Flip the chicken every four minutes, basting each piece on every flip. The key to perfection is not to get the grill too hot. If you see flames (because of the oil), immediately turn off the grill and move any chicken from the direct flame.

Final cooking time should be no more than twenty minutes. On the final flip, do not baste the chicken. Remove chicken from the grill and serve.

Nutritional Information

The above Guamanian Chicken recipe makes about six meal servings (2 pieces of chicken per person). (The below nutritional facts are based on one serving of 2 pieces of chicken.)

Calories 200

Total Fat 8g
Saturated Fat 2g

Cholesterol 45mg
Sodium 730mg

Total Carbohydrates 7g
Sugars 6g

Protein 23g

Iron 2% (based on a 2000 calorie diet)

Check out more barbecue recipes like this recipe for Guamanian Chicken.

Have you tried this recipe out? Please let me know what you think by contacting me or leave a comment in the form below.

If you decide to change the recipe a little, please submit the changes in the comments below so you can give other people ideas on how to cook their chicken.